January 14, 2012

year of the rabbit!

I finished my piece for the "New Moon" show at Myplasticheart Gallery in New York and couldn't wait to reveal it to the world! The show is based on the Chinese zodiac, and artists were asked to depict an animal of the zodiac calendar. I chose to do a rabbit, my own sign, which is incidentally also probably the best animal of the zodiac. In fact, it is definitely the best animal of the zodiac.

People always ask me about the process of these sculpture, so here's how it happened:

I don't have many shots of the sculpting process, but mostly it's just a bunch of tin foil wadded up on the inside with some armature wire, and covered in shapless lumps of Sculpey. from there I use that handy little pottery tool to sculpt out some semblance of a form. Sculpey is the business cause you can just pop it into the oven and it comes out hard and ready to paint in about 20 minutes. The head is screwed onto the wood board (which I cut myself out of a slab of oak) but since the paws hardly weighed anything I was able to just hot glue them onto the plaque.

underpainting......and overpainting!

Anyway, you get the point. If you're in New York on January 20th you should definitely check out the show, I won't be able to make it to the opening but the lineup looks pretty slick.
Cheers! -a


Anonymous said...

Great sculpture. I love it. Thanks for posting pictures of the process.

Lynn said...

Cool rabbit.