Thanks to everyone who came out to the He-Man show last night... all, what, ten thousand of you? What a crazy night! So much amazing work rarely can come together under one roof! Here is my humble contribution to the show:

18x24, oil on board.
And while we're on the subject, I was wondering if anyone had any tips for photographing work? I don't have steady access to a large format scanner so I photographed my He-Man piece at home. I did it as professional as I could: propped up against a white backdrop, with two spotlights at 45 degree angles to the piece, and using a high megapixel camera on a tri-pod... but STILL the damn photo came out blurry, washed out, and unevenly lit! What am I doing wrong?!
Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to get a good scan of this sometime in the future... I'm relatively happy with this piece and hope you all enjoy it too.