February 28, 2010

Off With Their Heads!

I showed this piece at the Alice in Wonderland themed show last night at Gallery Nucleus, called Curious and Curiouser. The show was a blast! They had real live baby bunnies hanging out. I couldn't get enough.

graphite on watercolor paper, 16x20.

February 21, 2010

more drawing

from open mic night at the unurban cafe

February 14, 2010


here's a thing that i did between other things. not particularly excited about it, but here it is anyway.

February 9, 2010

thursday drawings

drawings from last thursday. the proportions are pretty weird here and there but overall I'm really happy with the direction that these are headed.

also, on a somewhat related note: as some of you may have noticed, I've been complaining a lot lately about the poor quality photos that I keep getting trying to photograph stuff at home. I ran into this quite helpful post today that has some really great tips to getting professional-quality images made at home. so if you feel my pain, be sure to read terry miura's post.

February 4, 2010

figure stuff from december

these are from december. trying to loosen up a bit, I think these are much more successful for it. back to figure drawing again tonight!

February 2, 2010

on the drawing board...

progress on a piece for the upcoming Alice in Wonderland themed show at Gallery Nucleus, called "Curious and Curiouser." I think they're including concept art from Tim Burton's film version as well... Anyway, should be fun, I'll post a flyer or something when the date is closer upon us.